
Don't Forget Your Lips During Your Daily Makeup Routine!

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While it's certainly true that every part of your face, and so makeup routine matters, perhaps no aspect is as important (and ironically as oft disregarded or forgotten) as your lips. Yes, lipstick can sometimes be a little annoying to apply (and re-apply, and re-apply again...), but lips are what pull together a look. So don't forget them during your daily makeup routine!

Lips are versatile, and depending on the type and color of lipstick you go with, you can convey a bunch of different looks and intentions. Whereas you most definitely can play with your mascara, eye shadow and other components of your makeup routine to hint at different appearances, whether professional, playful, fun, or everything else in between, nothing will more clearly delineate the look you're going for than a strong lipstick, or a subtle one, or a matte one, or a bright one!

That being said, looking good for other people is just a small part of why you should wear makeup. The real power of cosmetics lies in looking good for yourself. It may not be that readily apparent, but a little lipstick can do wonders for your confidence and sense of worth. We associate lipstick with the wonder-women of cinematography, history, politics and industry, those gals who could handle the worst of situations with poise and grace: your Marilyn Monroes and Julia Roberts, Marissa Mayers and Jackie Kennedys. If something as simple as lipstick can help us channel that spirit and strength, then making it a party of our daily makeup routine starts to seem like a no-brainer. Especially in difficult times, lipstick becomes one of the few luxuries that remain affordable: that little thing to remind you of better times, and to keep you going until they get better once again.

Lips matter, so don't forget them in your daily makeup routine, and wear it with pride!