
Sneak peak of the next tutorial

I have to admit painting on clothes are my largest problem with creature makeup. As I without thinking included a collar in a video forgot how much time this takes and therefore has way too much filming time and with my editing program singing on the last note, I'm still not finished. How I forgot it is unbelieveable, but here I am with an unfinished video, so I'm giving you a peak at the look. It's finished tomorrow night! Okay, now I'll go celebrate my friends birthday and edit tomorrow!


  1. Oh gosh, I'm soo excited! It's exhausting to create a makeup look and film and edit. I filmed something a week ago and I'm not even halfway done editing. Gah!

    xx Bash | H E Y   B A S H | bloglovin'

    1. Yeah tell me 'bout it, I'm about to install a new video editor as well, I'm so scared to fuck up my videos lol!
