
Red my lips makeup against sexual abuse

We all know of movember where men grow moustaches to attract attention around the cause of prostate cancer. And we also have pink October for breast cancer. But this year it is the third "Red my lips" where we wear red lipstick all through April in the case against sexual abuse.
But! If you don't want to wear red lipstick there is still ton you can do!
You can wear a pin, something red or check out red my lips merchandise page.

Check out their facebook page here

I think this is a very important case, and I am wearing red lipstick all April, but I wanted to promote the case here as well. 


  1. Har hørt om dette arrangementet, og det er jo supert! Jeg skal være ærlig og si at jeg ikke kommer til å gå i rød leppestift HVER dag, men skal prøve å gjøre det oftere :D

    1. Tror nok ikke jeg skal ha red lips de dagene jeg sitter inne og råtner heller.. haha.. men jeg skal prøve å huske å alltid ha en rød leppestift i vesken! :D
      Men uansett bidrag så er det noe :D
