
New years prom picture! This is what I've been working on the last week.

Hi, I'm sorry I've been bad updating this week but that's because I used most of my spare time on this. I used Gimp for the editing (The BEST free photo editing program !!!).
Since my friends allowed it i wanted to show you what I have been working on and my friends and my prom dress and all that jazz :)
This is all for now, I am going to the gym now wish me luck,hehehe. ;)
-Bye cupcakes, kinkx <3


  1. thats amazing! how did you make that in GIMP? :O

  2. If I find out how to take a video of my computer screen with a program I'll make a video :)

  3. I also edited my shoes, it was really heels on it but the picture removed 1/2 of my heel so.. ;)
