
Makeup your mind

I think we all need some boost to try out new things and to flip out of our normal routine. Maybe it's wearing bright red or pink lipstick, maybe even wearing makeup or to have crazy colored eyebrows. No matter what I think we from time to time should take a step out of our comfort zone and do something we normally wouldn't do. So today I challenge you to wear the one thing you are too self conscious to do, that you've wanted to wear for a long time.
For me it'll be wearing a complete different style then I normally do and to wear a full face makeup without any neutrals at school. It's been such a long time since I've done that, mostly due to laziness, that I find myself applying bright pink and blue eyeshadow whenever I'm outside of school and not reaching for this kind of makeup on schooldays as I don't want any looks. So this week I'll be wearing some bright colored eyeshadow.


  1. I like stepping out my 'makeup' comfort zone but i don't think I'll ever wear them out. Go wear the bright eyeshadow! I bet you'll look amazing in it! <3

    xx Bash | Hey Bash | bloglovin'

    1. Thank you <3 Yes, it was all this post was about, wearing looks out of our comfort zone <3


  2. You work looks really good! I'm no expert but they look very technical. Nice of you for sharing them with us.

    Mika from La French Connection

    1. Thank you <3 It brightened my day to hear this :D
