
#1 Me in a nutshell

Ahhh is this time of year. Hot choclate with marshmellows, christmas movies, family, friends and maybe even boy/girlfriends! We all rush into the stores to buy christmas gifts, visit old friends, some of us find love in the cold, we eat lots of food and have a good time. And I'm here sitting on my blog.
I thought I should make a new post cause I got half n' hour free from all the stress.
I still am a bit shaky about when do I have time for my blog and when do I not. But it's starting to get in place.
Last week I was an actress in a school play all 10th graders have every year. Even though the people that goes in 8th grade now might not have it because they get some other shit we didn't get. The original name of it is "Midimum", but we came up with a name for the show. This year it was called "As the time goes" (In norwegian, som tiden flyr).

I ended up being Rihanna (Can I hear a buyah?)

I decided to do the Effie Trinket nails for Christmas eve. I love her and her nails are so stylish! 

I was struggling with a headline for this blog post, cause it is just babbling from my life and thoughts of me. So I decided to make a little series so every time I decide to spam my blog with these sort of posts I have a name for them!
Oh well, I have a makeup tutorial I am going to make tomorrow or first day of Christmas. It's candy cane inspired makeup, perfect for holiday parties and meeting the family!
-XoXo Kinkx

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