
Current projects

So I'm finally finished with hairdressing school and I will not be continuing to get my licence due to allergies and it wasn't for me. I am as exited as you can be into getting my general admission, which means a lot of hard work from late august, but for now I'm having summer vacation. So I've been doing some fun activities these past few days, but it hasn't really been quite summer vacation just yet because I've been helping out on a short film, which is for the nerdy girl I am even better then laying in the sun doing nothing, haha! So you see Thursday was pretty much spent sculpting and planning the look, plus my 2 hour regular shift and the same on Friday.

What you can see above is the mold of the zombie bite I made, sadly it didn't work out because I was a little distant and forgot to check if it was softener in it. And it was added glycerin which prevents it from properly healing and just ending up being like jelly. So for next time I'll be using pinkstylist's recipe for DIY gelatine prosthetic. I did solve the problem with latex, wax and paper tissues. It was a low budget making, so we couldn't go overboard with costs, so I decided it was for the best.

Here is my sculpt for the latex bite. I don't have a cast of a face just now, but I do have a plastic head like thingy meant for making bald caps and it gives me the opportunity to work with more arched pieces.

Lastly as I was waiting on the latex pieces to dry I watched tons of netflix and made a test piece of latex nose for my seven deadly sins series, inspired by Klairedelys. I am going to try to make a video series, but videos aren't my strength, so bear with me on this one.

Now I'm going to clean up all the mess after the liter of fake blood I made, yuk!

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